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Rabu, 04 Maret 2015


Identification of medicinal plants
in Wehea Protected Forest of East Kutai

Nanang Sasmita, Rahmadi and Arbain

Identification of medicinal plants research in Wehea Protected Forest of East Kutai Regency aims to obtain information on the types and use of medicinal plants by local communities in Wehea Protected Forest. The research method is exploration and interviews conducted by searching the scientific name and the local name (Dayak of Wehea). Based on interviews and identification obtained 15 types of traditional medicinal plants that can cure 26 kinds of diseases. Parts of the plant that used for traditional medicine is medicinal products are processed traditionally by prescription or local beliefs and practices whether it is supernatural or traditional knowledge. The materials used in traditional medicine process is roots, fruits, leaves, shoots, seeds and rhizomes. Wehea Dayak people have traditional knowledge based on life experiences about the use, the management and the herbs utilization that can be utilized as a traditional medicine. The medicinal plants utilization is passed on orally from generation to generation of ancestors (ancestors). In order the knowledge about the medicinal plant utilization owned by Wehea forests dayak not extinct, it can be inherited, so it need scientifically a deepen researched, it is necessary to documenting as well as further research on the content that contained in medicinal plants of the community that’s commonly used, as well as the cultivation way, because some plant species is rarely found in the surrounding of ​​the Wehea Protected Forest area.

Keywords : Identification, Medicinal Plants, Wehea