(Nanang Sasmita, M.Si., Arbain, S.Hut., and Yohanis Barung Turupadang, S.Hut)
Most of the Indonesia people take an advantage of undergrowth plants for traditional medicine which is the heritage of his ancestors. In ecology, undergrowth plant also has a lot of functions. Such as a ground cover, enhancing soil organic matter, and producer component in the food chain, so plants must be maintains its sustainability in forest management systems. Exploration research on undergrowth medicinal plant in Prevab region of East Borneo, Kutai National Park aims to determine the presence of undergrowth medicinal plants, to know its local names, scientific names and the use of undergrowth medicinal plants in Prevab Kutai National Park, East Kalimantan. The research methods is by exploration which is done by looking and finds the types of plants that contained the research location, based on the information of worker and community who know the undergrowth medicinal plants. Based on the exploration results, its finds 38 species undergrowth medicinal plants consisting of 24 families. Those plants can cure about 45 kinds of diseases. The part of plant thats used for drugs include the leaves, stems, flowers, fruits,seeds, roots and rhizomes.