Overseas Tourists Perceptions Towards Ecotourism Development in Prevab
Kutai National Park
Nanang Sasmita and Nathan Sulle Palosongan
research aims to determine the perception of overseas tourists about tourism
development in Prevab Kutai National Park. This study uses quantitative methods
using questionnaires and interviews along with other
studies supporting data as the data crawler
tools. The study population was all overseas
tourists who visited Prevab Kutai National Park in the period of 2007 to 2011. The samples were overseas tourists who visited from March to May 2013
and the total sample were 23 respondents. In general, the result of the perception level of overseas tourists to the development of ecotourism in Prevab Kutai
National Park is a medium level. Quality tourist and
natural attractions in the area Kutai National Park can still be relied upon to give satisfaction visitor attractions
such as the management and development expected
but still need
to be improved. Found
that the elements of quality tourism products should be improved is
the service in the
field of services, facilities and infrastructure along with the promotion and
tour packages improvements. Uniqueness, originality, beauty and value of
the memories provided by the natural attractions in the area Prevab Kutai National
Park is considered
capable of providing tourist
satisfaction. There are significant differences between the perceptions of ecotourism in the area of Prevab Kutai National Park based on several variables : respondent characteristics (age, gender, level of education,
employment and home
visitors) and the amount of tourist spends.
Keywords: Perception, Prevab, Overseas
Tourists, Tourism.