The Study of Dispersion and Natural Regeneration Availability of Hopea nervosa KING in Wehea Protected Forest, East Kutai
Nanang Sasmita, Sadam Husein and Arbain
The objectives
of the study are to know the dispersion patern, natural
offspring avaibility, and density of Hopea
nervosa in Wehea Protected Forest. The procedures of this reseaerch use 25
plot which are each 20 x 20 meter in 1 hektare area. The data recuired are Hopea
tree wich has 20 cm diameter above and natural regeneration (seedling, sapling,
and poles) of Hopea nervosa. The
result of this study show that the dispersion pattern of Hopea nervosa in 1 hectare area which is analyzed in cluster using
it’s index is 1,25. The cluster pattern
accurs in every cliff side area. Mean while, the natural regeneration
availability in wehea protected forest is more highly-existed on seedling and sapling
phases than post growth. The seedling growth phase in 174 plants, sapling 26 plants
and poles 8 plants and the Hopea nervosa density
is 0,64%. The low growth on poles phase is caused by a more dominantly grown
Keywords: Dispersion, Growth, and