Uji Perkecambahan Makaranga (Macaranga gigantea Mull) dengan Perendaman dan Tingkat
Nanang Sasmita dan Sugianur
Macaranga (Macaranga gigantea) is pioneer species in the
begining of natural succession to climax forest, so macaranga is very suitable
for reforestation and reclamation program. The early information about
germination is very important as a first step in generative seed production.
According to problem above, seed combination treatment is used with different
hot watter treatment and differet light level. The results showed that the
highest germination level occured on 1 minute hot treatment with 90% dark
concave cover and average temperature on 28,48°. The highest germination speed
is on 1 minutes hot water treatment and bright concave for 11.15 days.
Meanwhile other treatment, which is 13
days, is not significant. The germination value is 9,72% per day on 1 minute
hot watter treatment and dark concave covered, and lowest is 0,09% on 3 days
hot watter treatment in bright concave condition.