Deforestation in West Java were increase
every years. One of the causes factor (the increases of bold forest and
critical land) because the forest which cut were very difficult to be
reforestation especially in hill area. That’s why there is needs an effort to
reforestation and rehabilitates the forest by agro forestry. This research is
to made an agro forestry model traditional land use by analyzes the condition
of social, economy and ecology Rancakalong garden. Data collection were do by
interview activity, field observation and market survey (2004-2005). Vegetation
analyzes were do to describes vertical and horizontal structure and also garden
composition. Economic potential analyzed based on garden yield and market price
where than it compared with the pines forest management economic potential.
Regression analyzes were do to see the relation of socio culture characteristic
with the garden yield income. SWOT analyzes to the traditional garden were do as
a basic for land use model in agro forestry ways. Vegetation results shows that
there is 132 plant species from 52 family, which consist of 102 annual plant
species, 18 perennial plant species and 20 herb plant species. Rancakalong garden
shows complex vertical structure because it is arranges from 3 stratum (under,
middle and upper) which fill by annual plant and perennial plant. Most of the
plant which exist were use by the society. From 132 plant species which find,
107 species use as a medicines, 99 species as a food source, 39 species as a
building wood source and 5 species as a dye materials, and 4 species as a
source product of resin. Society total income is about Rp 498.050/month. From that
number, Rp. 342.700 were gets from garden yields, it makes garden yields
contribution to the total income is about 68,80%. Economic potential results
shows that garden economic value each hectare (Rp 9.038.385/ year) higher than pines
forest economic value (Rp 8.280.000/year). Regression result shows that income
level from Rancakalong society level is really influenced by the age of the
head of the family, fruits yields, palawija yields, bamboo yields and woods yields.
Rancakalong traditional garden based on it structure, function and its uses can
be made as a land management model in agroforestry. Agro forestry model which
suggest is Agroforestri
Tradisional Terpadu Multiguna (AT2M) which made by combines
many activity and important uses of traditional garden for society daily life’s.
The AT2M model effort is agrosylvo
pastoralgarden, that is land management system to
produces agriculture yield, forest yield, garden yields in simultaneously and
also planting plant species for animal food supply. This model can be
applicated to build society forest, production forest and village forest.